Thanks for your highly interest in Camangi WebStation.
We’ve received so many requests asking for product and launch day of Camangi WebStation. [apparently, we have to thank some enthusiastic spreaders]. We also know that there are some speculations about whether Camangi is going to launch WebStation or not. So now, we’re very happy to announce that Camangi WebStation will be ready to market no later than early December this year!
To appreciate your early attention in Camangi WebStation, Camangi open up the opportunity for the first 100 users to get Early Bird Price . Fill in brief personal information below and receive the up-to-date product information and coupon news of Camangi WebStation from now on!
Plus, we’re looking for foresighted pioneers to develop apps for this new 7-inch Android portable device. So if you are Android developers, please kindly note us more information or opinions in item